sajer nk citer psl gmbr passport.. lama giler aku x ambik gmbr passport tau.. last ambik masa tgh study kt UM lg... zaman baru2 gk la kapel ngan cik abg ai tu.. lama giler seh.. ada la 6,7 thn dh.. huhu.. masa tu muka x la bulat sgt cam skrg.. kalo nnt aku jumpa gmbr tu.. aku scan ehh.. aku tepek la kt sini.. hehe
cik abg ai pun nk menempek ambik gmbr passport gk laa.. dia nk guna utk nk masuk keje opis baru nnt.. okies.. we do it together2 ye bang.. :)
ni ler muka ktorg masa ambik gmbr passport..
tergelak2 aku tgk gmbr cik abg ai yg ke2 tu.. moncong jer... cam majuk jer.. naper tu.. huhu
The owner of this blog has a strong personality because it reflects to the blog that he/she made.
amboiiii... sama sama kaler BIRU laa... I sukaaaa.. hehehehe...
ahaaa.. Kak AZIE tau dahhh.. nak tempek gamaq tu kat surat manaaa... hahahahaha
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